Jurnal Tarjih dan Pengembangan Pemikiran Islam is a peer-reviewed journal published by Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah [The Fatwa and Islamic Research Council, The Central Board of Muhammadiyah]. The publication is intended for developing discourses on Islam and Muslim Societies based on practical-academic approaches. The journal, then, covers all aspects of theme and research related to Islam: text, history, doctrine; norm; value; institution, culture, et cetera. As academic discussion, papers published in this journal have no intentions other than to show the variations of Muslims’ attitude and their understanding and comprehending on Islam and Islamic doctrines. The themes, however, are only approached for the development of Islamic studies in an academic sphere.

Jurnal Tarjih dan Pengembangan Pemikiran Islam warmly welcomes scholars from the entire world with their various backgrounds and disciplines to publish their works as long as the papers highlight scientific-academic spirits. All papers published in the journal, therefore, do not reflect the official view of Muhammadiyah and/or The Fatwa and Islamic Research Council of Muhammadiyah.
ISSN: 1410-332X (p); 2540-7929 (e)
Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid
Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah
Jln. K.H.A. Dahlan 103 Yogyakarta Indonesia